Holding on tight

I felt a little delicate this morning as we had a very late night drinking yet more champagne as we were out celebrating a good friend's 40th birthday last night. Our friends had booked this really lovely tiny little restaurant which we had all to ourselves; the champers was flowing, the food was great, conversation was interesting and funny and we met lots of nice people. However in the back of my mind there was a constant niggle: 'I'm so going to regret this in the morning!'

I was almost relived that it was pouring down which meant that we had an excuse to stay close to home! Actually, it was a shame that it rained so much as it was our commune's summer fête and it was a total wash out. We walked through it this morning on our way to swimming and barely anyone had turned up. Late this afternoon myself and the kids ventured out as it had stopped raining and we had a nice time pottering around but loads of the stalls were empty.

D is holding on super tight to the balloon in the blip as he had already lost one. I tried to tie it around his wrist but he was having none of it. To be fair to him he didn't let go of this one even though it was quite windy. In the background O is on one of the most beautiful carousels that I've ever seen but D had absolutely no interest in going on it. He won't even sit on those little rides that they have in supermarkets which is really strange considering his obsession with cars.

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