Annie's In Oregon

By anniescottage

Object Lessons

Today's object lesson was much more enjoyable than the one shared in yesterday's blip. This lesson, taught by my beloved, to the children at Children's Church this morning, explored the nature of things that float and things that sink, after a rousing story about Jesus walking on the water, to bring peace to his followers. They'd been in their boat and rowing hard against the wind over half the night.

There is a pail of water on the floor in front of him. The kids were guessing which objects will float. How interesting it is, that a penny will sink, and a feather will float, but if you put the penny on the feather, the penny floats on top the feather. Just as Peter stayed atop the water as long as he stayed in Jesus' capable care. And we can trust Him too! Yippppeeeeeee!!

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