A Man and His GPS...

...it's a beautiful thing.

This is the peaceful, calm and satisfied look he gets when I can't navigate us to our determined destination, so he goes back to the hotel and gets his GPS. First try, and the upstaging little device takes him right there.

May I ask you, why is it a man won't ask for directions from a human being, but he'll drive back to a hotel, get out of his car, walk in, get the little device and drive all the way back to where we were (only a little farther because we just didn't go far enough) and he feels so amazingly good about it? Whatever happened to the joy he felt when saving a dribble of gas here and there by driving so carefully??? Couldn't we have saved gas by stopping at a station and asking a nice~real live~ human a simple question?! Is it the simple fact that the GPS doesn't know he was lost, and won't give him the superior, "Oh, so you can't find it yourself, huh?" look??? Is it the gentle, calm tone of voice the GPS always uses when it says, "turn around as soon as possible"?

Whatever it is, it's awfully nice to see him enjoying himself so much :-)

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