Seven brides for Three brothers...

Out for a walk with the boys at the beach this morning and we saw 10 brides, except 3 of them were guys. At first I thought it was a hen/stag party, but when we caught up to them I asked what they were doing, and they said they were raising money for The Rocking Horse Appeal.

The Rocking Horse Appeal is a Brighton based charity which helps improve the lives of sick children throughout Sussex.  So we gave them a donation and I asked if I could take their photo which I said I'd email to them.  They were certainly getting a lot of attention and were doing well with donations, and said they'd already raised over £1,000.00.

For my title I've put a twist on the 1954 musical 'Seven Brides for Seven Brothers', seeing as there were only three guys :-).  I like the photo I've put in my extras too which looks like 'brides on the run'.

Other than our walk, I'm having a lazy day - I feel ok, but tired today and Alan's busy installing some outside lights in the garden now that the dark nights are here.  It was lovely and sunny this morning, but it feels cold now!

Hope you're having a good weekend whatever you're doing x

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