The Unforgettable Fire

Torch day in Bradford

Absolutely delightful to be about amongst thousands of people. It felt quite emotional to be part of something big where we all had a common interest. I tell you by the time the games start I am going to be such a wreck, I nearly cried today!

It was a perfect ending to a lovely weekend. I have been down south with Just Because ( her journal is brilliant and you must follow her, she is incredibly talented). Sarah and I have been planning holidays and she has also been teaching me about tripod use ( apparently they aren't something to sit at the top of my cellar steps to gather dust with all the swimming bags and umberellas) - not that there is any evidence in this shot but we had a great shoot off down at a lake yesterday.

Have also been at a wonderful book launch which I have back blipped.

All settled back up north now and after the torch we have had a gentle evening eating chocolate. It was all going so well and then we watched the football.. ah well there's always the next tournament, although I do think the time has come for us to stop playing matches and just get an accelerated pass to the penalties round !

MOre Fire

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