The Joy of the Mundane

No headache on waking! Hurrah! A day to do menial things leisurely!  Tidying the house and then a Tavistock run with Friend to do the usual tip / farm feed shop / food shop trio! I did pick up a nice blue sundae glass from the tip, consolation for returning the huge vase I had bought last time and then broke when cleaning it!!! I returned it to the glass recycling container where it made a satisfying tinkle!
The farm stop was a delight and disappointment - they did not sell incinerators as I had thought, I did try on a Joules blue jacket that was reduced, looked good on too, but I resisted! That doesn't happen often! The guy on the till did the usual " anything else you want?" when I ordered the mash and corn, and I did reply lots but that he couldn't provide it! However he couldn't even provide what I did order as the guy from the warehouse only came out with a bag of mash! I had obviously flustered him in my reply! Unfortunately he was not there on my return so i could not give him all the quips I had in mind! But I had a good chat about decluttering with the woman who was! 
Next stop pet shop - huge locusts and silent crickets  for Gunther. I did my usual gaze longingly at the tortoises and then spotted the bearded reptiles all standing at their glass wall paddling their hands on the glass and looking at us! I also noticed a rather nice rope swing one was sitting on and looked to buy it on the reptile shelves. I did not find one but I did find a reptile hammock and a comfort lead!! I felt Gunther was not a hammock kind of guy and  would not be seen dead in a lead! Looking at the rope with the bearded ones again I realised it was one of those rope cushions for boats - must find a boat shop!!
Final stop Lidls! Oh my! Christmas Italian  treats galore! A Lemon Panettone and Almond and Honey  Panforte in my trolley along with caramelized nuts,  a pear Ice cream and Mango sorbet duo  and Baklava! At the till I realised I had more sweet things than main meals! 
As I was unpacking the car I had a chat with an older woman from up the road, she loves a bit of gossip! She asked after the chickens and how I was keeping and the various properties being developed in the road and with so many moved out from my terrace how I still had Donald! ( Lucy's owner!) I exclaimed how "lucky" I was and she laughed and declined my offer of him! I must have said how the chickens, allotment and Lucy kept me busy and were better than housework, whereupon she declared her love of ironing - cup of tea, radio on, pure pleasure! I hate ironing and my pile is now 3 years old!!!! Yes - I have that many clothes I can do without doing the pile on anything but a want to wear basis!
Anyhow.... the conversation has left me realising how the actual process of housework does not fill me with joy at the thought, and i always have something else I would rather do until I can put it off no longer. But then I always love the outcome once done! So as life is full of mundane things to do, I guess the trick is to keep the outcome in mind as you do it, or find some way to make the process enjoyable. Definitely  not leaving it until it becomes a mountainous proposition!  So I have been trying to apply this positive attitude  to getting on with the little jobs! Of course another lure is a treat at the end - which is what processing my photos and Blipfoto has become! But I have lots of little jobs it seems so am still running a day behind on my blips!!! Maybe I will catch up with myself tomorrow! For now Strictly results is on - anyone else think Jay and Aliona were woefully undermarked? Even with the slip he was still way better than anyone else and I think they applied what he was capable of rather than what he did.

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