Party Girl (s?!)

It was Party Girls Birthday meal today - which meant a train and a taxi to Royal William's Yard! We met on the station and rode into Plymouth on the setting sun! We were like a bunch of excited school kids!If you look on Flickr you can see my house! Top row, count up to house no 5 with the attic window! I also love this one as Friend is reflected in the trains window and she is gazing over our home village - quite poignant.
The taxi ride was a riot - the most chatty driver - firing questions as to who we were, where we lived, what we liked to eat.....and everyones favourite " Why does that woman keep taking photographs?!!!" Thats what we want to know they all shouted!!!
The meal was great - mexican and jug after jug of cocktails - buy one get one free! Now I am not a big or frequent drinker, but I do like a cocktail! I also pinched Party Girls complimentary glass of Cava and Caipirinha when she left the table!!! This is because I usually leave food and she always eats it. But on one occasion she reached over and pinched  the last king prawn I had been saving! She says I had put my cutlery down, which is like saying we were on a break to excuse infidelity!!  
All the events can be seen here, I put the camera on RAW and Fine as I knew  I would not have the time to process them all and I'm aiming for a bit of balance in my life!!! so its a bit of a mixed set!  I now have to find out where and what the building is with the fantastic lights so I can go and photo it properly! 
Oh and I have found the cure for a headache! Cocktails! I had taken a pink migraleve before I left as the headache I have had for days just would not shift - that evening and the next morning headache gone!

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