at home with an Ivysaurus

By MoGrant

'You can't take her off me!'

Poor briar has suffered from willow separation all day and at bedtime made it very clear she wanted to ve directly beside willow and has been holding onto her since. Willows been in quarantine today for being incredibly vomity- basically every hour since last night, think she probably picked up something in the central belt. Partly our fault probably - we got lax about alcohol on hands with her and let various people hold her. Going to be more vigilant again. So everyone reading who sees willow personally- alcohol on your hands before you touch her please.

Ivy was funny this morning, she was washing all her plastic animals in a tub of soapy water, next thing I turned round and she was naked and 'washing her hair'.

I made willow a mobile out of snowflakes and wire to pass the time that was 'supervising' her upstairs. She was entranced- going to hang it over their cot. Ivy is calling it 'the physics '

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