Tussock Tales

By TussockTales


Walking with the "B" team today with a fine sunny day but trouble predicted for tonight. I love walking with the "B" team and everyone is nice and dog friendly and if The Boss gives someone a ride (mostly) I get to lick their neck "Cos they are trapped in the back of Suzz and sitting right next to me. When I know we are going somewhere for a walk I sing on the way. Well actually it's not singing like the doorbell kind (very loud and energetic) but a kind of creative whine for dog and passengers in F# Minor. The Boss says it gets on his nerves but no amount of comments from him have succeeded in shutting me down so he just lets it go now as a Wheaten Terrier thing.
Along the North Eastern side of Lake Hawea there is a road to Timaru Creek so that's where we went today. It's an easy walk but very scenic and since it's a road (shingle) there is no need to watch where your feet fall and apart from a cattle stop, where I jump up and The Boss grabs me and carries me across, there are no problems. I have wondered about cattle stops, which certainly seem to stop cattle, and thought about how dogs without carrying Boss's around get across them. The Boss has been evasive on this one and I learnt the truth today when one of the team remarked that he supposed that the farm dogs just jumped the fence. The Boss and Bossess have never encouraged me to jump anything as our fences at home are not full size. The plot is thickening.
Anyway as we progressed up the road the lighting did get spectacular so click went the G12 which The Boss carries on his belt. "A" of acyclinggranny was with us and before the walk we negotiated the "Blip" rights and she got the left and The Boss got the right side of the lake. All very civilised I felt.
Oh and "A" shouted The Boss afternoon tea for Blip of the week (17th June) and I got an extra cuddle. Wonderful.


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