MonoMonday .........

 ........ Challenge ...... TRAVEL.

Some post-processing here as you can probably tell - three double pages from my passport that I use to travel for work and pleasure ..... hopefully no breaches of security and my superspy status is not compromised!  :o))

Thanks to nickimags888 for hosting and choosing the subject.

Update on Crown Court - I was selected ..... I can say no more.

I still haven't managed to upload my FlowerFriday photo yet but am hoping to do that later this evening - tomorrow evening should see the BikerBear Sprinkling if all goes according to plan.  Sorry I am so behind and playing catch-up for the past few days.

Thanks for all your comments and stars on the golden web - maybe we have a Golden Orb Spider knocking about!!!  (doubtful).

~ Anni ~

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