
By WeeSis

Fall in mono

The leaves are turning beautiful colors, yet I seem at a loss to how to capture them. Let's hope I figure it out before they all reach the ground!

The little nestbox in my red oak tree houses wrens every year. Chickadees often come and check it out, but never nest. A little later into the spring, along comes daddy wren. He sets up a nest of sticks, lined with soft moss, feathers, and spider webs for his wife to peruse. He knows she is demanding, so he picks more than one spot to build a show nest for her. I have a second nestbox in my linden tree, and that is a good second spot for him to prepare. Fussy mama always picks the box in the red oak though. Within just a couple of weeks I see mom and pop flying in and out carrying beakfuls of tiny invertebrates for the hungry youngsters. All to soon, the nestlings have flown and the heat of summer arrives. Until next year, little wrens...

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