Foggy Morning

Oh, joy!  I have my photo management program back so now I feel in control of the world!!!   Well, not really, but I am happy even though I now have about 100 pictures to organize.  It seems there was an upgrade that went south in the process of whatever upgrades do and I was stonewalled and couldn't do much of anything.  I'm not a very sophisticated photo manager/processor but I missed my program. Thanks to my son (the family computer wizard) I have it back and now, being the tidy person I am, I can file and organize my photos.

Still, however, blips are sketchy because work has taken over with the trial we are involved with starting its fifth week.  Hopefully it'll finish before I retire in March.  Just joking.  I think there might be about two weeks left.  In addition, I'm apartment hunting and that's a pretty discouraging process.  I do believe I've found something and I'm holding my breath that it'll work out and I can move out of my 500 square feet into something a little bigger.  I'll keep you posted. 

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