The View From 37,000 Feet

Gorgeous day with very entertaining cloud action.  

I had a wonderful vacation and thanks to all the blippers who followed along and commented.  The balloon fiesta in Albuquerque was amazing as was our trips through Arches National Park and Mesa Verde.  Lots of fun stuff along the way.  I highly recommend a road trip, no matter what country you're in, for pure and simple entertainment.  

My flight home was not very much fun.  I personally think the airlines have put extra thought in how to make the flying public miserable and they seem to have achieved a new level of success at it, especially in the area of cramming folks in tight spaces.  I wanted to untie my shoes so I could wiggle my feet a bit but with the seat in front of me so close I couldn't reach my feet.  I'm seriously considering driving on my next vacation.  

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