Constant Vigilance

On the bike path leading out to the sheep enclosure and the woods beyond, traffic is at times heavy, even though no cars are allowed. There are bikers, of course, runners, a multitude of dogs and their owners, people with prams/roller skis/walking poles/electric wheelchairs/scooters/groups of toddlers/funny hats/sunglasses, lots of people who appear to be alone but speak loudly to themselves, and then some. We usually meet at least two or three dogs just going there and back. So. All sounds, smells and anything moving must be checked out properly. Mum is NOT good at this, so it falls on me to ensure our safety.

Mum finished the balcony cleaning project, and I supervised. I did try to help by attacking the vacuum cleaner that had sneaked its way out there somehow, but she didn't approve of that. At least now it's done and the thing has been locked away.

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