
By Schatzmoney

Car wreck

Me and my brother, Cameron had decided that after soccer practice today that we would go to the girls soccer game and support them. We had a good time watching them and they won their game and the weather was nice until near the end of the game it started to rain. I thought nothing of it as me and Cameron we're heading out to my car after the game. We started heading home and the rain began to pick up even more. At this time we were about halfway down the Hegins mountain when I began to break for the turn at the bottom of the mountain. As I began breaking, my back end of my car began drifting and we did a backwards 180 down the side of the mountain and we slid right up the side of the mountain! I started freaking  out because I couldn't find my phone and I needed to cal my mo to figure out what to do. Fortunately, someone was heading down the mountain shortly after me and stopped and let me use their phone  and i was able to get ahold of my mom and then she handled everything from there.even though the car was messed up. I was glad that me and my brother were both safe.

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