
By DawnAgain


I woke at 5.30 am with a neck ache/headache which persisted all morning at work so I decided to treat myself (and the dogs) to some 'me' (or 'us') time this afternoon, seeing as it was warm and sunny for a change. So, on a whim, we headed off to Winkworth Arboretum, somewhere I last went about twenty years ago. It's the National Trust's only arboretum and was created in 1937 by Dr Wilfrid Fox who was the chair of the Roads Beautifying Association. He used Winkworth to experiment with different tree species and planting styles and should be applauded for leaving us with such a beautiful place to visit. And it's looking particularly gorgeous at the moment with all the autumnal colours. You have to watch out for falling acorns though - I had a few Chicken Licken moments while I was crossing the bridge by the lake.

Going at Basil and Polly's pace and stopping every now and then for me to take a one-handed photo or two, it took us an hour and a half to walk round our chosen route. The dogs are sleeping it off now and my headache has improved, so that's good. We also managed to time it right to give Son2 a lift home from college, so he's happy too.

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