
By Fido

East Neuk

In the middle of our walk along the coast for ice cream this afternoon (it's a 5k round trip so the double scoop was well justified) my phone beeped with the sound of a whatsapp message. Those of you who know the east Neuk of fife will understand how this is a news worthy event; those of you who don't, well let's just say, mobile reception is patchy and leave it at that. Anyway, the messages were from my friend in a slightly further afield east neuk, who said amongst other things that she was missing my blip updates.

So here you go, S. This one is for you.

We're having a lovely time here in Pittenweem, so lovely in fact we were supposed to leave on Friday but are still here. My lovely husband is working this week but he is still based here and my mum and my nephew have joined us for a few days. The beautiful blue skies and warm sunny days have been just perfect for rock pooling and coastal walks (mainly for ice cream). And for photographing too, I've taken heaps, but I didn't think I could upload them, what with there being no internet connection and no mobile reception to speak off...but that was before my lovely husband stole the wifi off the neighbours, added a btwifi app to my phone and whizz bang connected my iPad to the outside world and me to the 21st century.

More updates tomorrow hopefully :)

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