Wasp Nest

I've known for some time that we have had wasps coming from somewhere but wasn't sure where however all has been revealed this morning.

Hubs poked his head, under sufferance I might add, up into the original loft  over the spare rooms as I was convinced the wasps were coming through the light fitting. 'No ', he blithely chirped, 'nothing to be seen but you are smaller you can get up there better than me.' He's used this tactic before and I always feel like a Victorian chimneysweep boy sent up to clean the flues. 

Tentatively very tentatively, standing on the stepladders I poked my nose over the hatch door.  Initially there was nothing to see but a few cobwebs, not a sound even (and I was actually a tad more panicky about spiders dropping on my head) but getting further in and revolving my torch 360° I spotted this at the far end. The size of a football!! A perfectly formed sphere with one or two ambling casually over the surface. It had to be my blip for today. 

Taking the zoom and flash up through the tight space was tricky as I started being dive bombed but I think they were only trying to get out. We now need to do something about it! I do say 'we' loosely here ....very loosely!

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