It's Coming

I got up this morning and the sky got very black and there was a rainbow which hung about for ages.

Then it cleared.

We went for our sales pitch where they tried to sell us a time-share at the resort.
They came close ..... very close.
But no cigar.

Then this afternoon the clouds came back and the thunder started.
Man, those claps just rolled on and on and on.
And there was lightning too
And even more very, very loud claps of thunder.
With torrents of rain - to such an extent we could hardly see past the tower on the cliff.
And then it was all gone again - the the tower and distant cliffs were as clear as a bell again.
Since there was nothing else to watch, we went for coffee.
We arrived just as a waitress brought a couple of new cakes in from the kitchen - so we had a couple of slices to assist them with the quality control.
The verdict? .................. Excellent.

As usual, more pictures of the drama have been added

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