
Realised today a 5am wake up will be a 4am wake up as of Sunday!

Two little people dropped off at nursery,more school closed today for Munchie, staff training.

Semi productive / semi unproductive day. Can't quite decide

Collected two little people and home via the Golden Arches. Munchie asked for a happy meal even though she had had lunch and seconds at nursery. She ate the lot! We cuddled and watched Charlotte's web, wom slept. He woke up exceedingly grumpy, so grumpy we rugged up and went for a walk into the orchards. Daddy got home just as we did which helped.

Tea demolished by both

Tidied the understands cupboard (bra still not located - not that I thought it would be in there, but you never know) found bag full of hats and gloves etc so will need to see what fits prior to the cold weather starting.

Had got a blip in mind for tonight until I saw this one on the children's nursery profile page. They spotted eachother whilst on walks in the orchard and apparently ran towards eachother.

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