Big girl tea

Up and out for swimming. Both children did really well. Home and had both children in beds, asleep, at same time. Sat and watched the Apprentice. Felt sorry for Lindsay as she just wasn't cut out for it and I think she knew this. Love how they stab each other in the back in the board room then gush over eachother when their team wins!

Busy afternoon of making a dinosaur (lesson learnt, never ask Munchie what she would like to make!) also got the pumpkin carved. Much fun was had sorting out the flesh and the seeds. Does anyone have any good suggestions of what to do with the seeds?

Headed to gym tots. Charlotte loves it. From here we went for big girl tea. Not been with Munchie to Ask before, but they were fabulous. Crudités for the girls and a plate for Wom (Woms were complimentary) really good service throughout the whole meal, tasty food too and then a baby chino brought out to finish the meal. Could have cried when the friends I went with said it was their treat. Feel so lucky to have such a wonderful bunch of friends.

Home to bath. Daddy had put everything ready so no more will I be rushing around on a Monday night trying to put everything ready for him to do bed! Both children very quickly asleep x

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