Long day?

Couldn’t get away to the hills before emptying a few cupboards. One of my favourites, bought from a friend and painstakingly repainted, is now out the front waiting to go to the dump, as the whole top was riddled with termites.  By the end of the morning, it was getting quite easy to throw things away. Meanwhile, I’ve dumped so much stuff on the bed that we may not find it when we get home again.
We eventually got away, cat and all (couldn’t leave her in the house because of the fumes),  taking an alternative route to the hills as there have been protests and destruction on the toll road, where the police have blocked off the routes locals took to avoid the toll. Legally speaking, I’m sure there should always be an alternative to a toll road, but there’s only direct route up the Serra, and there have been roadworks on that for three or four years while an extra lane has been added wherever possible. Factor in the hundreds of very heavy trucks that threaten its safety on a daily basis, and the situation is far from ideal.
Anyway, we came up via another small town. A beautiful road, but a long way round and non-stop curves all the way, particularly on the last part over the hills (mountains, really) that separate the two towns. This area used to be heavily forested, but smallholdings and fires have whittled away at the tree line. It was hazy, but we stopped near the top to stretch our legs – see the extra photo, although it doesn’t begin to do justice to the view.
Now feeling entitled to chill in front of the television – while extracting hundreds of fiddly stones from the fruit I’m making jam with. I won’t try that recipe again. Still, the X factor’s coming on later. I wonder if HH will wake up in time.

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