at home with an Ivysaurus

By MoGrant

Standard sleeping behaviour

This is how they prefer to sleep (and spend lots of their day). Head to head and holding hands. Their sisterly love backfires in the mornings though, when one is crying so taken downstairs which promptly sets the 'abandoned' sister off too. Tosay Willow flipped herself onto her front, but then didn't complain about being there, which is a first for her and puts her only a week or so behind Briar in that respect. Altough willow really struggles to lift her head off the floor

I just missed (by a mater of seconds) capturing on video them laughing at each other in the bath. Briar found willows splashing hilarious, and willow found briars laughing the same. It would have been a youtube sensation.

I spent all day doing boring admin and filing for tax credits. I learned several interesring things whilst going through our filling cabinet though, including that my driving theory test has now expired (failed my practical test three times so gave up- probably should have stuck at it) and that Euan is properly properly terrible at responding to letters- the amount of 'reminder' letters is amazing! Highland Papercuts (I'm a registered sole trader) now has an actual business plan- which is extremely ever so slightly pretentious.

Ivy and I did amazingly fun artwork today (when I got bored arranging payslips in chronological order), tried to make our own 'alchohol ink' mixing vodka and food colouring and make a makeshift stamper by hot glueing felt onto a tin of soup. It didn't work quite as I intended, but we had fun experimenting with lots of ways to play with the ink- including blowing it about with straws (giving ivy a straw and a cup of vodka was a bit nerve wracking) and doing a crayon resist.

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