at home with an Ivysaurus

By MoGrant

Pass the beer

Ivy seems to be in training for student life - practising holding a funnel in her mouth. She's daft sometimes.

Quiet day today. I'm still feeling sick, Euan's over the bug but has come down with a cold instead. Ivy full of beans- she took Euan lying on the floor as an invitation to dive over him head first. She also did a meercat impression and wanted to touch them in the tv when we watched the new Attenborough (crazy goosling base jumping) I loved watching Attenborough pre ivy - but it's even better with her interpretive dancing to the soundtrack.

She's still unhappy in the bath - after one night of her being okay. Devastating, as I loved watching her chill in her tub. Will give her a few days off and try to take her swimming when we're out of our self imposeded quarantine.

Her appetite hasn't come back properly yet. She's starting to look very skinny. Think she might end up back of butter fried veg and double cream again.

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