
By Beachball

The birthday theme continues

Very tired today, first meeting at 7am in town, didn't sleep well, indigestion, not nice.
Elliot then woke me 3 times to tell me he felt sick, last time at 3.30. He can't drink fizzy drinks all day, but at 15 ( next week ) he needs to learn.
I made him go to school this morning, I think it's important to instil standards about sick days now, otherwise it's a behaviour that follows through work.
He was a little tired but fine, 10.30 pm just made him go to bed tonight.
Happy birthday Vicky
Baked for the shop this morning
Wrote copy for a marketing campaign
Then worked in the shop till 7.00pm
Caught up on paperwork
Ate no syns tonight as hope my weight gain may disappear before weigh in tomorrow
Think I am kidding myself alittle

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