
I is so tired I could almost cry.

THEY went out this afternoon, which was a good thing, because them next door did have a barbecue, and I barked myself silly, and everybody (I mean, HER) got ever so cross, and she spent a good half hour trying to convince me not to bark. 

Waste of time really.

So while they was out I went to sleep, but when they got home we all got stuck into the gardening.  Really stuck in, because it seems they went to someone else's garden which was spectacular,. and when they got home they felt guilty.

So, while they was hammering in a stake or something, I found this really lovely squishy black thing, and it was as light as a feather so I did pick it up, and took it onto the back lawn, and somehow it got shredded.

Turns out it was HIS kneeling mat.

Oh boy was he cross!

And that was my day - and I is tired to bits.

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