That's Life!

By Agan

Here Are The Milkies!

Well, what can I say? Yesterday, Jools and I wasted half the afternoon (click here) looking for cows to photograph, and the rest of it watching clodhoppers missing penalty kicks.

Today, we didn't notice any penalty-missing clodhoppers, but we did find cattle - old ones in one field, the kids in another (excellent thinking) - while on the way to the coffee shop.

This one, No 292, fell in love with me, licking my arm, nuzzling me through the fence. For a moment, I thought it wanted me to sing our song:

Here are the milkies
Here are the milkies today-ay-ay
Here are the milkies
The farmer didn't throw them away-ay-ay

Or perhaps it was just trying to eat the camera . . .

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