Through Jo's Lens

By Jo8lens

Sports Day

Day off today (rota) so I went to the gym for the first time in a few weeks. Had a good work out and felt better for it. My Mum and Aunt called around to see the new bunnies...cooing and ahhing over them.

After dinner I went down to Jed and Rowan's school to watch the sports day. Rowan is quite competitive, Jed couldn't give a monkey's. Rowan won the egg and spoon race; ran well in the relay and the lap and a half around the field...which is uphill...and uneven! Jed did well in the discus throwing (a frizbee) and he ran well in the lap and a half around the field too.

Rowan's friend, Sam, came home for tea. We called at Grandma's so that they could go on Minecraft there (still awaiting the ebay disc to fix the password!).

Yehhhh...Strictly Kosher is back. I love it!

Rowan is 2nd from the right in this photo.

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