Old Bat

By OldBat

Inchmickery and Inchkeith

Went to Hound Point to practise with new-ish camera, ND10 filter, but nothing really worked that well. So this is unfiltered islands. 

extra 1: grey wagtail that was flitting about while I was faffing with filter etc. so eventually it settled long enough for me to use the bridge camera to get an image.
and for Velofor:-
extra 2: as I was wandering home, I noticed a curlew just asking to be photographed. This one shows the reflections from the Forth Rail Bridge.
extra 3: close up so reflections of Bridge don't really show. I took this one first, realised there was a second curlew just visible at the bottom of this one, so panned out and snapped extra 2, but of course the second curlew had moved out of shot!

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