
By sendfrancis

Monsooned Hawkers

The El Niño this year is being said to keep the infernal fires of Indonesia burning and choking the life out of Malaysians. In an ironic twist it's also being said to have allowed hurricane Patricia to get as powerful as it did and washing up Central America. Bad Niño!

While the monsoon has been cooling other parts of Peninsular Malaysia, I live in historical Malacca, where it nearly never rains! I admit I have tropical blood in my veins but I'm happiest it when it rains, so imagine my dismay when I moved here. Woke up to another day of feeling blue and the weather just played along, a rainy Monday, all day and night.

Pictured is the street hawkers where I typically get my dinner from. While I was choosing what to get, the tent gave way under the weight and pressure of the rain water. I helped hold part of it up while the owner and other hawkers did what they could. As I'm walking away with dinner they are helping out with a replacement tent.

A wicked twist: the very next moment the tent metal bars snapped, the rain slowed down! A twisted day indeed.

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