Back to Work

After a busy weekend it's back to work, but not really. This is Taff and I doing the 1-4 shift at Tesco, Brockworth in Gloucester on the Poppy Appeal stand.
Doing shifts for the next fortnight apart from Sunday and a week Friday as I'll be travelling to London on Saturday 7th.
It's amazing how generous people can be, you wouldn't believe the number of people that put a 5, 10 and even the odd 20 pound note in the donation box and often only taking a poppy and maybe some other small item.

Two ladies asked me if that was my bike outside (see extra photo) and when I said yes they said their little boy loved it and spent ages looking at it (it was a Mother and Daughter I think). I asked him if he would like to sit on it and he looked at his Mum in amazement. We went outside, I showed him how to climb on board, unlocked the steering lock and started the 'Thumpity Thumpity' engine. 
He was absolutely enthralled and his Grandmother said I'd made his year with that. He must have been about 8 or 9.

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