Camp Terror: Final Episode

Holly leads the police to where she shot Winzar. But he is not there...

Holly (black hair): "It was here, look, there's one of the creature's legs. How can it have got away"?

Officer Pinkman (blue cap): "Going by all that blood I reckon the killer dragged itself away to die somewhere back in the wilderness".

Officer Ehrmentraut (holding rifle): "A major incident team will arrive soon and lock the place down. They'll find the body. You don't have to worry any more madam, you're going home. It's over, you're safe".

Holly: "But what if the creature gets away"?

Officer  Ehrmentraut: "Even if it gets away, with only one leg it won't pose a threat to anyone anymore".

Holly: "It's still out there, I know it..."


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