A Lovely Evening Out....The Mother of all Storms..

... Mr Toads Wild Ride & A Leech Bite.

No guessing where I was last night from the pic.

Toby took me for a hair raising ride on a 4 wheel drive up hill and down dale all over the grounds of the Crystal Castle...which are quite extensive and very very hilly....at one point I felt like I was on a big dipper......yes I did scream........and I had my camera bag tucked safely under my arm. We took pics of the beautiful creek (where unbeknownst to me I picked up a leech) and then we ended up at the Buddah ..nearly full moon and all. we had much fun taking pics..trying different things....which didn't really turn out so well but next time I reckon we will nail it. When we finally got back to the house S had made a most fabulous nosh...really........it cant get much better than that.

I was cream crackered when I got home didn't even have the energy to blip. I got all cosy in bed and then it started. Thunder.... Lightning .....mayhem and crazy dogs....rain coming in through windows .... soaking stuff .....lights going on and off...having to shout cause the rain was so loud.......with all the shennanigans and having to turn computers and modems off it was 1am before everything settled and peace (somewhat) was restored......jeez!

This is a lovely quote but let me tell you there was no dancing going on in this house last night.

“Life isn't finding shelter in the storm. It's about learning to dance in the rain.”
Sherrilyn Kenyon

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