SHELL we dine?
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John Walters
This was an exciting morning. Three herons of the Cornell Lab project that we have been watching on installed tree cams, FLEDGED. The reactions of the siblings was hilarious. I didn't see it live, I was outside with my own wild friends, but I cried when I watched the video. The ones that flew are 60 and 59 days old. Two more later hatchlings(58 & 55 days old, I think) are so close to take off, but still in the giant nest in the dead tree in Sapsucker Woods Swamp, Ithaca, NY.
For the Record,
This day came in sunny, cool, but a bit humid. We have some gorgeous day lilies blooming on the mound behind the patio and by the barn . I opened the door this morning and found Nelson just ready to knock!
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