
By Cigs

Ravelston Dykes

Two halves of autumn today... The morning was fresh and bright-ish (not sunny, mind) and an afternoon of grey, dreich dismal dank darkness.

Out on the bike, before I'd even got to the first call of the day, I'd nabbed today's Cigs. I've cycled through here a-plenty, but never going down the way.

Coming down hill is one of my favourite cycle runs in Edinburgh; from the far end of Ravelston Dykes, you can hammer away from the lights; down hill and hit a high gear (typically helped by a tail wind) There's a bit of a rise up to the railway bridge that requires a bit of teeth gritting before the drop off the bridge, the narrowed hard left turn and the nerve shredding descent to Queensferry Road and the zig zag across to Orchard Brae and the final adrenalin rush down to the roundabout. 

So why would I head down the cycle path when it would mean missing out on all that fun?

But something today made me turn around and clocking this one put a smile on my face.

White pen on black painted metal post with blurry me selfie.

Then I got soaked later but who cared by then?

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