
By Cigs

Calton Road

What should have been a home day, wasn't.

Team meeting (of no importance) meant I dragged myself in through the drizzle, and left in the pouring rain to do a couple of jobs before ending up at home for the afternoon.

Still these particularly grey and productive clouds had a silver lining in the form of Cigs tags under my favourite bridge. I've blipped here a few times before for Cigs and my other blip site.

Silver pen on black metal work; slightly shoddy in that there's four stripes above the 'i'; not sure what happened there? Undated but I know it's this year just from when it first appeared.

And interesting but scary development. Around the corner from this is a repainted Deli; I saw it being done. And - as I'd previously noted - Deli and Cigs seem to chum each other out and about. It's a 6 foot square piece, but signed by Deli, Keft (who I increasingly see near Cigs stuff) and the man / woman himself...! So, had I not resisted the urge to wander up and speak to the person painting, I might be a step closer to their identity. But still not sure I want that.

Still drying out now, hours later as the sun is out. Oh well....

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