
Up at 4.15 am for a magical walk by moonlight to the bus stop in Gorgora. The bus arrived at 5am and we were squashed onto the back seat for a few hours of bumpy travel along dirt roads, arriving in Gonder for breakfast.

Our hotel here is one we know and like - the Lodge du Chateau next to the Royal Palace.Breakfast on arrival was coffee, bread, fresh papaya, banana pancake and local honey :-).

Spent the morning just wandering the town and taking more photos for my fashion mannequin series. The mannequins are found all over Ethiopia and I'm fascinated by them.

At lunchtime it began to RAIN! The rainy season is supposed to have finished a few weeks ago. We went up to the terrace which looks out over the town, and enjoyed the sound of thunder rumbling around for the next couple of hours.
A bit of a lazy day...

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