Debre Sina

A day in Gorgora. We stayed at Tim and Kim Village, which used to be run by a Dutch couple but is now just run by Kim. It's a quiet place on the edge of the lake, where you can camp or stay in a turkul, a round hut which has its own bathroom with solar-powered shower. Kim is a good cook as well.
In the morning, we walked down to the Lake and were amazed to see a trip of baboons not far away. I also watched a Pygmy kingfisher from the same spot.
In the heat of the day (we make a habit of this..) we walked down through the village to the monastery of Debre Sina. The priest opened up the doors and drew back heavy curtains to reveal paintings which were hundreds of years old. Mary and Jesus, Angels, Heaven and Hell and Old Testament bible stories as well as Ethiopian saints.
He was happy to pose for a photo before we left.

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