Horse Power

Had to go on a road trip to Fort William so left about 9.30 and took the back road to Oban. the first problem was an encounter with a huge removals lorry from the island of Harris no less! (didnt think Harris people had this much furniture!) This stupid lorry met on what we call the Kyber Pass on the bends down to Ardfern. It involved much reversing, to ing and froing and swearing!
The second encounter was when I got stuck behind a caravan with the improbable name of Challenge (indeed it as a challenge not to ram it!)
and why do Harley Davidson aged bikers have to travel in huge numbers like lemmings and then roar past you in a cloud of stoor? At this point I was cursing so much that I thought I had a bout of Tourettes!
Next was two aged MG open top sports cars with ancient occupents , him with Biggles hat, her with petrified hair indicating the general direction of the wind.
Add to that the fact I was driving my hubbies car whose radio seems to have a mind of its own and insisted on this programme that was discussing the merits of Gay monkeys and Degenerate penguins having a Menage a Trois! (Im thinking I like this station now better than that witless accountant that proports to be a comedian on Radio Scotland!) The final obstacle came in the new sport of Tree felling on the A82 just outside Fort William. Why don' t councils do all this in the dead of winter when we at least don't have to contend with hapless tourists! Oh no! they have to wait tilll the height of summer when our roads are chock a block with Highland Heritage busses with sleeping pensioners, the one and only day the vintage car geriatrics decide to have their teddy bears picks nicked and a multitude of Tesco with "you sho, we drop" plastered on their lorries, by this time they should add "drop dead" . I stopped for a breather and some Valium on the way back and spotted this wooden horse and have decided that we should all return to the real horse power. What a way to spend your birthday! Well Im off to the Dull Gull for some mediocre food!
Happy blipping all

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