
By astudyinscarlet

dublin #1

first gap yesterday, dammit!! meant to blip dinner at occasional musings's (welcome new blipper!), but we got yacking (and there was wine...) and never realised i'd not taken a pic til after midnight! buggerit.

but we were yacking excitedly in a good cause - we've only recently got back in touch after a decade or so and were about to embark on a trip to dublin, thanks to stupidly cheap ryanair flights (at stupid o'clock, but nevermind).

so, dublin. found the hotel via the scenic route (oops) and then headed into temple bar for lunch at the ever-dependable bad ass cafe and then over to trinity to see the book of kells and the wowfabgroovycool long room of the library, which looks like a film set and i badly want a reading room pass!

filled with culture, we had a little rest in the hotel, then set off out for dinner at the cedar tree, which F had been at before and we found again quite by accident. seriously protein-filled, we were glad of the walk back to the hotel, even in the chill! but even chilly, the ha'penny bridge always looks lovely at night - and green lights might be a little oirish, but it was pretty.

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