All The Leaves Are Brown

My favourite little people visited us at work today which meant yummy fish & chips for lunch :)

Stella took my niece for a wander around my parent's lovely big garden but I went and rescued them when curiosity got the better of madam again and she thought the grass looked greener on the other side of the fence! 

We all enjoyed trotting through the leaves and then came a question I've been dreading: "Is Stella going to be poorly for the rest of her life?" I answered honestly that, yes, she would, but, as she could see, Stella is still very jolly and in no pain. We'd already had a conversation about age when my nephew was hit by one of Stella's eye-watering bouts of senior flatulence! I didn't mention it was also a side-effect of a high protein diet fighting her cancer. "Because she's old" seemed a much kinder answer.

Then another one: "Will you be poorly for the rest of your life?" Grateful of a good day I assured her that I wouldn't and that I'm nowhere near as ill as I was 3 years ago. (Not a lie, I definitely am. When I look back over this journal I realise that the chronic fatigue is my biggest enemy right now.) This seemed to put things right and we went in for a jam doughnut :)

I was invited to help with colouring in but had to do some actual work  - always a nuisance!

On the blog today is a poem about my daddy in honour of National Lorry Week :) 

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