stopping by woods....

because my dog is turning into one of those fat, lazy dogs that don't obey their owner and people complain about in newspapers, I thought it was time to do something about it. So, he's getting a proper walk every day again. Rather than pootling around after the Spitzi-posse, he has to keep up with me on the bike. Luckily for him I am an obsessive photographer so he gets plenty of rests.

I wish we could get rid of the car totally (and buy a tractor or a truck for me to play with :-) and today, when I was trying to exit the motorway, I started hating being dependent on driving even more. I don't know what other people drive for - though I suspect it's to kill as many people as possible - but I just want to get from home to work and back again in one piece. I've learnt over the years to not get worked up about it because that only makes my life crap and doesn't make a blind bit of difference to the way the idiots drive. However, after three morons managed to box me in so I could only get off the motorway by doing some dangerous squeezing (I was signaling to make it pretty clear what I wanted to do) I have to admit to shouting "you stupid fucking twat bastards" and waving my middle finger at them all. Before calming down and going home to the children and being mummy again.....

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