Hug them tight

I've had a great day today with my littlest. I recently cleared out a room my lovely husband used to use for work (he moved upstairs) and we now have a nice warm place to play on driech wet days. He set out all his picnic play plates and play food and got some teddies to eat the plastic pizza, it was really cute.

I took a lovely photo of my two youngest at bedtime reading stories together and was going to use it to go with this headline, hug them tight, but it it didn't feel right without my eldest boy in the frame too.

Folks around us are still in shock at the news of the boy who died at school nearby yesterday. My colleagues daughter was in his year group and we have friends who are part of the schools chaplaincy team. Thinking of how the families of the boy who died and the boy who has been charged even begin to cope with this has been on my mind all day. It scares me and worries me and saddens me all at the same time and I can do nothing but pray and hug my boys tightly.

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