
By Fido


The only PE gym, that I remember from primary school was either running around the gym hall to the instructions of the lovely lady from the 'Let's Move' radio programme - that was, provided we managed to get to the gym hall at the same time as the programme started and the teacher was able to tune into the right channel - or rolling on mats, trying cartwheels and climbing over the horse. Well, that and the annual sports day races.

Nowadays my boys get at least two hours of PE a week and are taught by both their class teachers and the PE specialist. They do blocks of football, netball, swimming, tennis, basketball and athletics to name a few. Today my middle boy (the real sports enthusiast of the family) was very excited to find what his new terms Wednesday PE block was going to be. When I met him from school he was a little disheartened to say the least. 'Its just gymnastics' he said. 'Like forward rolls and things'. By the time we had walked home though he had told me all about the different sports involved in gymnastics, explained how everyone thinks that it is just for girls, but that actually some of the best gymnasts are men and told me that actually the world championships are being held in Glasgow at the moment (how does he know all this sporting info, all of the time??!)

Not surprisingly, here we are, just before bed , watching some of the men's team finals.

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