Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat

Buzzy day

I know, I'm terribly behind on uploading my blips but today's just had to go up on time due to it's relation to what clickychick might be uploading later.

Mum and Dad have been up visiting. This is their third attempt to come and collect some bees but the other times we have been rained off. They got some last year but unfortunately they died over winter.

After a lovely morning and a nice lunch in Morningside we headed to the bees. Last time, mum and I had to keep our distance so we didn't get stung as the bees flew about, unhappy they were shifting home. This time mum came prepared with the spare equipment so that she could get close and get some shots of the action. So whilst they were a hive of activity, I was busy blipping a blipper blipping.

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