Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat


Today has been brought to me by tea and friends. When the Royal Mail are doing their job properly, I get my tea subscription on the 27th of the month. Yes, that's right, I get tea sent to me in the post. So far I've had three boxes (with 20g each of four different types of tea in each) and I've not been disappointed, well except for that one that I couldn't have because it had citrus in it.

So as I enjoyed my teas I took phone calls from two lovely friends. First my old flatmate K who now lives in Ayrshire. She rings me to keep her company when she walks places but it's ages since we chatted last. Was great to catch up. The I got a call from another of my old flatmates, J. She was ringing to thank me for helping her out on Sunday when she was having some problems with the flat. I left my number when I moved out for exactly this purpose. It was good to speak to her and hear she's on the mend after a very traumatic time with her health.

Later I got a call from a third ex-flatmate who now just lives around the corner. I popped round and we spent the evening catching up and getting excited about the Tough Mudder that is only 17 days away. She's been setting up a business to sell her creative wares. As I left she gave me these two lovely tea mugs as a Thank You for all the times I've been wonderful to her. Ceramics, flashes and shiny backgrounds do not mix so the photo doesn't do them justice. Maybe one day I'll catch them in the sunlight.

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