The rest of forever...

By DrMac

No blipping time to breathe...or wee...

Packed. From start to finish.
Too dull to waffle on about.
Run, shower, eat, dress, drive, work, open evening, drive, walk, eat, blip, bed.
It kind of didn't go to plan today and has resulted in a phenomenal amount of extra work for yours truly. Crappity crap. And I have a body that feels like someone blew it up with a bike pump. Double crappity crap. Ho hum.
Tomorrow, as they say, is another day.

Pippa doesn't believe in bedtime. Go on Mum, throw it again...if I point at it, will you throw it? If I look adorable, will you throw it? Please?! Yeehaaa, sucker! She threw it!!! ;0)

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