The rest of forever...

By DrMac

Exhibition Day

I know this is an appalling photo but I wanted to show you how awesome Bex's final art exhibition was! I woke a little later than normal, making the most of a late departure time and we enjoyed a relaxed start to the day. I drove over and picked Bex up and took her to College where she gave me the grand tour of the Foundation Art Course department and two floors of final exhibitions. The work was amazing, one piece in particular here was just stunning.

Then we turned a corner and I saw her final exhibition...and those playing cards we talked about in Annapurna! The drawings were really beautiful, simple and elegant. We talked about our trip and her inspiration and it was really lovely...I'm so glad I could be there. Then we went for a coffee and I left to go to work as she went back to spend two hours answering questions of visiting school students. Quite the artist, fame already...fortune to follow soon, I hope! As I got to work she text to say that she got a Merit for her Foundation Course so she was over the moon. Now she can pick which Uni she goes to which is just brilliant for her. She can't wait to see you!!!

So, work was work. Busy and a little stressful. Still waiting for phone calls to decide the outcome of important pieces of work. I hope if it is bad news I can get all the extra work out of the way before you come home. After school I came back to avoid the Olympic Torch traffic and as it is so hot we have all had tea before a late evening walk. The girls are worried I have forgotten their if I would!

Three sleeps...enjoy your SLT night out tonight!

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