Snapshots of reality

By ktbm

Some big boat or something...

This morning we had a lie in, where I went to lie in Jane's bed. I felt her baby move - I'm the only person (so far) apart from her to have done this!!! It was incredible.

Brunch was an Ulster fry cooked by Jane's dad, and we drove back down to Belfast to go to the Titanic Experience in the afternoon. It was sold out, and very busy. I think we would have enjoyed it more if it was less busy and more obvious on how to get around it, and if there was some stuff from the actual Titanic rather than just exhibitions. I had to go on the ride alone because it wasn't suitable for pregnant women either :(

We met up with our friend Rosie who happened to be in Belfast for dinner (massive chicken burger) which was really nice, before I headed back to the airport to get home for around 10pm. A very successful (if unhealthy) weekend!

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