
No one wanted to get up this morning, but BB had football, so we had to get up.  The boys went off and I pottered about in my pyjamas.  Late morning, once BB had washed all the mud off,  we headed out to the local farmers’ market.  TT bought beer from a “new” beer lady.  There is a story here in that years ago another brewery used to come to the farmers’ market and a “beer” lady was usually on the stall.  TT always bought her beer.  Then she stopped coming and TT lost all interest in the farmers’ market.  His interest has just been reignited!

The afternoon was lovely and sunny.  TT got stuck into tidying the garden.  BB and I went for the same walk as yesterday – at his request. We watched fish jumping in the river.  Once home TT and BB carved the pumpkin and I used the turnip for tea.  In years gone by it would have been a turnip lantern.  BB and I then watched Strictly Halloween.  He started to watch Dr Who – but it was too scary for him.

Here is sunset on Halloween.

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